t38modem command help

> /usr/local/bin/t38modem -h
T38Modem Version 2.0.0
 (OPAL-3.9.0/3.9beta0, PTLIB-2.9.0/2.9beta0 (svn:24165)) by Vyacheslav Frolov on Unix Linux (2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64-x86_64)

2014/03/17 16:53:39.547                T38Modem         Version 2.0.0 by Vyacheslav Frolov on Unix Linux (2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64-x86_64) with PTLib (v2.9beta0 (svn:24165)) at 2014/3/17 16:53:39.547
  T38Modem [options]

  -t --trace                : Enable trace, use multiple times for more detail.
  -o --output file          : File for trace output, default is stderr.
     --save                 : Save arguments in configuration file and exit.
  -v --version              : Display version.
  -h --help                 : Display this help message.

Common options:
  --ports T:B-M[,...]       : For (T)ype set (B)ase and (M)ax ports to use.
                              T is 'udp', 'rtp' or 'tcp'. B and M are numbers.
  --route pat=dst[;option[=value][;...]]
                            : Route the calls with incoming destination address
                              matching the regexp pat to the outgoing
                              destination address dst.
                              All '' meta-strings found in dst or in
                              following route options will be replaced by all
                              valid consecutive E.164 digits from the incoming
                              destination address. To strip N first digits use
                              '' meta-string.
                              If the specification is of the form @filename,
                              then the file is read with each line consisting
                              of a pat=dst[;...] route specification.
  -u --username str         : Set the default username to str.
  --displayname str         : Set the default display name to str.
                              Can be overriden by route option
  --stun server             : Set STUN server.
  --fake-audio [!]wildcard[,[!]...]
                            : Register the fake audio format(s) matching the
                              wildcard(s). The '*' character match any
                              substring. The leading '!' character indicates
                              a negative test.
                              May be used multiple times.

H.323 options:
  --no-h323                 : Disable H.323 protocol.
  --h323-audio str          : Use OPAL-Enable-Audio=str route option by
                              default. May be used multiple times.
  --h323-audio-list         : Display available audio formats.
  --h323-disable-t38-mode   : Use OPAL-Disable-T38-Mode=true route option by
  --h323-t38-udptl-redundancy str
                            : Use OPAL-T38-UDPTL-Redundancy=str route option by
  --h323-t38-udptl-keep-alive-interval ms
                            : Use OPAL-T38-UDPTL-Keep-Alive-Interval=ms route
                              option by default.
  -F --fastenable           : Enable fast start.
  -T --h245tunneldisable    : Disable H245 tunnelling.
  --h323-listen iface       : Interface/port(s) to listen for H.323 requests
                            : '*' is all interfaces, (default tcp$*:1720).
  --h323-no-listen          : Disable listen for incoming calls.
  -g --gatekeeper host      : Specify gatekeeper host.
  -n --no-gatekeeper        : Disable gatekeeper discovery.
  --require-gatekeeper      : Exit if gatekeeper discovery fails.
  --h323-bearer-capability str
                            : Use OPAL-Bearer-Capability=str route option by

H.323 route options:
    Enable the audio format(s) matching the wildcard(s). The '*' character
    match any substring. The leading '!' character indicates a negative test.
    Default: G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k.
    Enable or disable T.38 fax mode.
    Default: false (enable T.38 fax mode).
    Set error recovery redundancy for IFP packets dependent from their size.
    For example the string '2:I,9:L,32767:H' (where I, L and H are numbers)
    sets redundancy for (I)ndication, (L)ow speed and (H)igh speed IFP packets.
    Default: empty string (no redundancy).
    Continuously resend last UDPTL packet each ms milliseconds on idle till it
    contains IFP packets not sent redundancy times.
    Default: 50.
    Continuously resend last UDPTL packet each ms milliseconds on idle.
    Default: 0 (no resend).
    Optimize UDPTL packets on resending in accordance with required redundancy
    (exclude redundancy IFP packets sent redundancy times).
    Default: true (optimize).
    Set bearer capability information element (Q.931) with
      S - coding standard (0-3)
      C - information transfer capability (0-31)
      R - information transfer rate (1-127)
      P - user information layer 1 protocol (2-5).

SIP options:
  --no-sip                  : Disable SIP protocol.
  --sip-audio str           : Use OPAL-Enable-Audio=str route option by
                              default. May be used multiple times.
  --sip-audio-list          : Display available audio formats.
  --sip-disable-t38-mode    : Use OPAL-Disable-T38-Mode=true route option by
  --sip-t38-udptl-redundancy str
                            : Use OPAL-T38-UDPTL-Redundancy=str route option by
  --sip-t38-udptl-keep-alive-interval ms
                            : Use OPAL-T38-UDPTL-Keep-Alive-Interval=ms route
                              option by default.
  --sip-proxy [user:[pwd]@]host
                            : Proxy information.
  --sip-register [user@]registrar[,pwd[,contact[,realm[,authID]]]]
                            : Registration information. Can be used multiple
  --sip-listen iface        : Interface/port(s) to listen for SIP requests
                            : '*' is all interfaces (default tcp$*:5060 and
                            : udp$*:5060).
  --sip-no-listen           : Disable listen for incoming calls.

SIP route options:
    Enable the audio format(s) matching the wildcard(s). The '*' character
    match any substring. The leading '!' character indicates a negative test.
    Default: G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k.
    Enable or disable T.38 fax mode.
    Default: false (enable T.38 fax mode).
    Set error recovery redundancy for IFP packets dependent from their size.
    For example the string '2:I,9:L,32767:H' (where I, L and H are numbers)
    sets redundancy for (I)ndication, (L)ow speed and (H)igh speed IFP packets.
    Default: empty string (no redundancy).
    Continuously resend last UDPTL packet each ms milliseconds on idle till it
    contains IFP packets not sent redundancy times.
    Default: 50.
    Continuously resend last UDPTL packet each ms milliseconds on idle.
    Default: 0 (no resend).
    Optimize UDPTL packets on resending in accordance with required redundancy
    (exclude redundancy IFP packets sent redundancy times).
    Default: true (optimize).

Modem options:
  --no-modem                : Disable MODEM protocol.
  -p --ptty [num@]tty[,...] : Pseudo ttys. Can be used multiple times.
                              If tty prefixed by num@ then tty will
                              accept incoming calls only
                              for numbers with prefix num.
                              Use none@tty to disable incoming calls.
                              See Modem drivers section for tty format.
  --force-fax-mode          : Use OPAL-Force-Fax-Mode=true route option by
  --no-force-t38-mode       : Use OPAL-No-Force-T38-Mode=true route option by
Modem route options:
    Set timeout for outgoing call Set-Up phase to secs seconds.
    Set alternate incoming destination address for outgoing calls to dst. This
    address will be used to re-route if outgoing call Set-Up phase fails.
    Enable or disable forcing fax mode (T.38 or G.711 pass-trough).
    Not enable or not disable forcing T.38 mode.
Modem drivers:
    Uses pseudo-tty (pty) devices to communicate with a fax application.
    For Unix98 ptys the tty should match to the regexp
    (the first character '+' will be replaced by a base directory).
      --pts-dir dir         : Set a base directory for Unix98 scheme,
                              default is empty.

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